Recognizing problem areas - understanding challenges - structuring approaches to solutions
Global warming and climate emergency have led to a multitude of proclaimed goals at global, European and national level. The EU's climate targets for 2030, for example, include a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50%-55% (compared to 1990), an increase in the share of energy from renewable sources by 32%, and an increase in energy efficiency by 32.5%. Within the 9th European Framework Research Program HORIZON EUROPE, numerous projects for the CO2-effective transformation of cities will be funded from 2021 onwards.
As a cross-cutting issue affecting all areas of an urban system, the goal of climate neutrality is highly complex and currently difficult to manage:
The Fraunhofer Morgenstadt Initiative considers these two problem areas as two sides of the same coin, and would like to support municipalities on the way to climate neutrality, as well as enable companies to structure and develop their solutions and approaches holistically and demand-oriented. With this, Morgenstadt aims to increase the speed of transformation towards climate neutral cities, but also to identify and work on still unsolved challenges and innovation potentials in the process.
With the »Innovation Program Climate Neutral Cities« (ICNC), the Morgenstadt Initiative pursues four overall objectives:
In summary, the ICNC enables participating municipalities,
The ICNC enables participating companies to
In addition, needs and potentials for Innovation are identified in the course of the process and addressed in follow-up projects.
Based on the results of the ICNC, the Morgenstadt Initiative is developing demand-oriented follow-up activities together with interested municipalities and/or companies in the context of the funding and innovation programs of the European Mission 2030: