SMARTilience Syntegration - Mannheim June 16.- 19. 2019

How can we govern integrated climate change mitigation and adaptation in cities?

Mayor Felicitas Kubala & Prof. Fredmund Malik
Mayor Felicitas Kubala & Prof. Fredmund Malik
topics collection
topics collection
presentation of results
presentation of results

From the 16th until 19th of June 2019 over 40 experts from cities, industry and academia met in Mannheim to discuss this challenging opening question. Supported by the innovative Malik Syntegration® method – a word combination of synergy and integration – integrated actions and policy recommendations have been formulated for 12 central topic areas.

Within the Morgenstadt project SMARTilience these results will be used as basis for further research and implementation activities. The model cities Mannheim and Halle will test the practicability, adapt and apply the results in their own specific context. The goal of the project is the development of an integrated governance toolbox, which will be openly available to all cities.

The following topics were identified and worked on during the Syntegration®:

Strategy and Management

Governance levels and instruments

Planning and authorization procedures

Conversion to eco-normality

Financing and profitability

Synergetic approaches

Green and healthy city visions

Participation and dealing with trade-offs


District first and decentralisation

enterprise networks

Platforms and Monitoring

The results of the Syntegration will now be documented by the Malik team and will soon be available here.

We would like to thank all participants for their great motivation and commitment as well as the city of Mannheim for the wonderful organisation.

work sessions
topics collection

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