Also in 2018 the Morgenstadt Initiative was represented at the world leading Smart City Urban Fair, which took place from 13-15 of November in Barcelona. At the joint stand of Berlin-Brandenburg Morgenstadt spin-off Bable, as well as the Smart Society Academy were represented.
During three Breakfast Sessions, and two Roundtables Morgenstadt could give an insight on different Topics, on which Morgenstadt is currently working.
Monday night, we had an opening session on the shared future in the classical spanish surrounding of ‚Tapas & Beers‘. On Tuesday morning, Morgenstadt opened the booth with a Breakfast Session on the Mayor challenges of the cities of the future regarding the Urban Environment with Researcher Trinidad Fernandez.
Wednesday Morgenstadt opened the booth with Nikita Shetty, talking about the Morgenstadt City Lab on Urban Mobility in Coimbatore, India. After the German Night at the Berlin-Booth, a roundtable on The Value of Urban Data took place.
The last day’s Session was on Sharing Cities, Sharing Economies and how the cities trends should turn towards inclusion in the future, presented by Eliana Uribe.
Besides the discussions, Morgenstadt had the chance, to interact with many partners, as well as to meet many new entities from a broad range of different sectors.