© Abzal Adobe Stock

Understanding the needs of cities and their residents is crucial in addressing today's climate challenges.

The ACCSESS project "Access to cost-effective, replicable, safe and flexible CCUS" focuses on raising awareness of the urgency of climate change and promoting science-based solutions such as carbon capture, utilization and storage. This technology promises to mitigate the impacts of climate change while promoting urban sustainability.


Developing climate solutions with ACCSESS


Our comprehensive study examines the social and public impacts of carbon capture, use and storage. Our methods include:

© ACCSESS Open Webinar – CCUS Regulations, Utilisation and LCA
  • Interview
  • Survey
  • Social media and sentiment analysis
  • Analysis of stakeholder involvement

Using these methods, we explore public perceptions and concerns about carbon capture, utilization and storage. The resulting insights contribute to the development of educational materials and user-friendly information packages for cities interested in adopting carbon capture, utilization and storage solutions.

Urban sustainability with the ACCSESS CCUS handbook

In addition, our Carbon Capture and Storage Handbook for Sustainable Urban Development explains the role of this technology in efforts to expand urban sustainability. By analyzing current climate change policies and conducting surveys, we provide guidance for making informed decisions on implementing carbon capture, use and storage.

Workshop - Details coming in October 2024

Empowering Urban Decarbonisation: CCUS Strategies and Solutions in European Cities


We are thrilled to announce our upcoming online workshop, »Empowering Urban Decarbonisation: CCUS Strategies and Solutions in European Cities«. This workshop will feature the cities of Trondheim, Gothenburg, Rotterdam and Zurich as they share their journeys in implementing Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS).


Workshop Highlights:

The workshop will feature input presentations from the frontrunner cities, sharing their experiences and strategies in CCS implementation. Following these presentations, breakout sessions will help to discuss challenges, potentials, and solutions specific to the participant’s contexts. This structure aims to foster in-depth discussions and collaborative problem-solving, allowing the participants to engage directly with experts and peers.


Why join us?

This workshop is designed for peer learning, ideas exchange, and collaborative problem-solving. Whether you are a policymaker, urban planner, sustainability professional, or climate enthusiast, this event offers a unique opportunity to learn from the experiences of leading cities in the field of CCUS and to contribute to the discussion on urban decarbonisation.

Join us in exploring innovative strategies for sustainable urban development and help shape the future of our cities. Register now to secure your spot!

Potential of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Technologies for Municipal Climate Protection and Energy Systems

© Morgenstadt Werkstatt NEO 2024
Fraunhofer IAO

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming panel session, "Potential of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Technologies for Municipal Climate Protection and Energy Systems" set to take place on 17th of June.


Why join us?


This panel is designed for peer learning and ideas exchange. Whether you are a policymaker, researcher, or city administration representative, this event offers a unique opportunity to learn from the experiences of industries (HeidelbergMaterials & Schwenkzement) and Fraunhofer researchers (IAO & ISI) in the field of CCS and to contribute to the discussion on urban decarbonization.

Date:            June 17, 11:00–12:15 CET

Location:     Innovationsfestival, Bildungscampus 6, 74076 Heilbronn

Join us in exploring innovative strategies for sustainable urban development and help shape the future of our cities. Register now to secure your spot!

The Project

ACCSESS is an EU Horizon 2020 Innovation Action project running from May 2021 to April 2025, coordinated by SINTEF Energy.

Main objectives:

  • Testing of CO₂ capture and utilization at TRL7 and integration into industrial plants
  • Developing and improving CCUS chains from continental Europe and the Baltic Sea region to the North Sea
  • Informing and engaging stakeholders about CCUS and its societal benefits, especially for sustainable cities

The project promotes CCUS technologies in Europe and establishes a standard methodology for the development of CCUS chains that integrates technological, economic and environmental analyses. It aims to create an open source tool for developing CCUS chains, find cost-effective CO₂ transport solutions and integrate CO₂ loading and unloading processes.

ACCSESS contributes to reducing the carbon footprint in cities and to global efforts to capture carbon. Demonstration stands will illustrate various carbon capture technologies and promote sustainability in the energy sector.


ACCSESS and Fraunhofer IAO


As part of the ACCSESS project, Fraunhofer IAO is working on Work Package 12 “Social Integration of CCUS”.

Objectives of this work package:

  • Developing educational materials for stakeholders to demonstrate CCUS benefits
  • Development of standardized CCUS solutions and a handbook for sustainable urban development
  • Training of national environmental authorities in Sweden and Germany on the regulation of CO₂ capture plants
  • Comprehensive communication plan, workshops, events and synthesis reports to improve visibility and stakeholder engagement

First, public opinion on carbon capture will be assessed through citizen surveys and social media analysis. Then, the state of knowledge on carbon capture in Europe will be analysed. This information will enable the ACCSESS consortium to produce effective teaching materials, a handbook for sustainable urban development, training guidelines, as well as workshops and events for stakeholders.

Would you like to participate?

Our goal at ACCSESS is to bring the benefits of carbon capture closer to society and enable real access to cost-effective, replicable, safe and flexible carbon capture, use and storage. This requires in-depth work, knowledge sharing and collaboration between partners, citizens and public administrations.

We are currently looking for European cities willing to participate in two short surveys. These surveys aim to capture the level of knowledge and technological development of carbon capture in Europe and to promote knowledge sharing between city administrations. Your participation will be valuable for the development of our handbook on carbon capture and storage for sustainable urban development and for the production of educational material to inform public administrations and the European population.

If you are interested as a private individual, representative of a public administration or a company, please contact us using the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!



* Required

Sources and Publications

  • Report on citizen concerns and recommendations regarding CCUS
    [available soon]
  • Handbook on the potential of CCUS for sustainable cities:
    [available soon]