
Hier finden Sie ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen.

  • Buck, S.; Kaltenegger, S. (2024): Von Regen zu Ressource - Digitale Innovationen in Wohnquartieren. Synergien nutzen - Öffentliche und private Klimaanpassung zusammen denken. 10.24053/TC-2024-0038
  • Fernandez, T., Schroeder, S. (2023): “Impact-Based Project Ideas for Sustainable Cities: The Case of Digital Planning Tools In Piura, Peru” from the conference proceedings for the 36th Passive and Low Energy Architecture Conference PLEA, Conference Vol. 2, organized by the University of Utah and United Nations Academic Impact (peer-reviewed, Link:
  • Fernandez, T., Schroeder, S. (2023): “GIS for Sustainable Urban Transformation in Countries With Emerging Economies: The Case of Piura in Peru”, article published in the International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), 2023, vol. 12, issue 1, 1-20. (peer-reviewed, DOI: 
  • Schroeder, S. Fernandez, T., Stöffler, S. (2022): “Contextualised guidelines and indicators for smart and sustainable urban project definition at local level in developing countries”, from the Regional Development and Regional Policy Journal, published by the Adam Mickiewicz University (peer reviewed, DOI: 10.14746/rrpr.2022.60s.06
  • “The World Towards the Future. Global Initiative for Healthy Cities. Piura, Peru” in Publications Volume II of the First Academic Conference of the Sustainable Development Goals Utah Valley University, USA (2022):
  •  Nature-Based Solutions through Blue-Green Infrastructure as Measure of Adaptation, Resilience and Liveability to Climate Change: Case Study City Lab Saltillo, Mexico
  • Fernandez, T., Schroeder, S. (2021): “Global Approach - Local Solutions: Sectorial Planning Approaches for a Sustainable Urban Future in Piura, Peru”, from the conference proceedings for the Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) organized by TU Delft (peer-reviewed, DOI:
  • Ottendörfer, E.; Bieker, S.; Kaiser, U.; Frieling, H.; Gölz, S.; Neumann, M.; Guckenbiehl, P.; Henze-Sakowsky, A.; Schmitt, A.; Richter, C.; Pollmer, U. (2021): Auswirkungen der Coronapandemie auf die Entwicklung von Kommunen und Landkreisen in Deutschland. 10.24406/publica-fhg-301322
  • Interkommunale Zusammenarbeit. Die Zukunft kommunaler Innovationen? (2022): Download
  • Ein Überblick urbaner Datenplattformen. Eine Evaluierung nach Designprinzipien der DIN SPEC 91357 (2021): Download
  • Morgenstadt City Lab Lisbon (2016): Download
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